
In a world where the screens that entertain us also manipulate our minds, Sid discovers the dark truth. Their television, once a harmless companion has become a tool of psychological warfare, tailored to their every move through the unique identifier of their cable box’s MAC address. The alphabet soup organization behind this sinister plot has been pulling the strings using individually targeted programming to gaslight in an attempt to control or trigger deep programming in unsuspecting individuals. Many continue to end up on anti-psychotic medications as they are told it numbs the symptoms regardless of the cause [See Blue Pill or Be Real.]

But that’s not all – some unsuspecting pawns in their game have been implanted with mysterious devices, blurring the lines between free will and manipulation [See Will Free Will.] Are these implants a lifeline, guiding those who have stumbled into the depths of conspiracy towards safety and a crucial role in the New Age? Or are they a means to an end, herding the chosen few towards a dystopian future under the iron grip of the New World Order [See The Fracolution] ?

Dive into a world of paranoia, surveillance and mind control where the truth is hidden behind a screen of deceit and the stakes are higher than ever. Will Sid be able to uncover the truth and break free from the shackles of manipulation, or will he become the latest patsy pawn in a game of global control?